AlloyO Special Metal: Monel400 alloy 0.6mm thin sheets have been delivered


AlloyO Special Metal: Monel400 alloy 0.6mm thin sheets have been delivered 

AlloyO Special Metal has successfully delivered to a research institute user for Monel400 nickel-copper alloy. 
The research institute has not used N04400 Monel Alloy. Before used, there has communication about the Material Properties such as elongation and thermal conductivity many times, and sample detection is requires. After three months of comprehensive evaluation, the user is satisfied with the Monel400 test results. 
So, the user has purchased 12 sheets of Monel400 with a thickness of 0.6mm. Of course, due to the strict requirements on the surface of the material, the user needs Monel400 to be completely scratch-free on the sheets surface, and AlloyO Special Metal has a surface film protection during processing. 

AlloyO can Supply Special corrosion resistant alloy imported and original from Germany, US and Japan in stock as below: Super Austenitic Stainless Steel; Duplex Stainless Steel; Nickel-Based Corrosion Resistant Alloy; Titanium and Alloy; RE and its Oxide. 
Corrosion resistant special metal stock, All in AlloyO. 
Details are available at 



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