AlloyO Special Metal: 17 pieces of Alloy20 Forging Rings have finished

Recently, AlloyO received an order from a user to process forged rings made of alloy 20 (UNS N08020).
Relatively speaking, the processing of alloy 20 is relatively easy in all metals with high percent nickel alloy. 17 bright-finished products took four hours to form, pack and deliver.
From the view of previous ordering users, alloy20 is widely applied in petroleum refining industry.

What AlloyO can do?
We can Supply Special corrosion resistant alloy imported and original from Germany, US and Japan in stock as below:
Super Austenitic Stainless Steel
Duplex Stainless Steel
Nickel-Based Corrosion Resistant Alloy
Titanium and Alloy
RE and its Oxide

Corrosion resistant special metal stock, All in AlloyO.

Details are available at



AlloyO Special Metal: N10276 Alloy C276 forged round bars have been cutting in fixed sizes

AlloyO Special Metal: Monel400 alloy 0.6mm thin sheets have been delivered

AlloyO Special Metal: Commercial pure GR1 titanium bars of 120 pieces are ready