AlloyO Special Metal: S31254 super stainless steel 4.0mm was flatted and delivered to user

AlloyO Special Metal: S31254 super stainless steel 4.0mm was flatted and delivered to user

For nearly three months, 4.0mm S31254 super stainless steel inventory has been a tight supply.
4.35 ton coil, ordered by AlloyO in early time, was flatted and processed as soon as arrival.
S31254, also known as 254SMO, is a typical economical corrosion-resistant stainless steel. AlloyO quantity 2.0-15mm stock plate is sufficient, and there are some specifications of welded pipe parts. Please contact us for details.

S31254 coil, 254SMO processing, super stainless steel inventory

What AlloyO can do?
We can Supply Special corrosion resistant alloy imported and original from Germany, US and Japan in stock as below:
--Super Austenitic Stainless Steel
--Duplex Stainless Steel
--Nickel-Based Corrosion Resistant Alloy
--Titanium and Alloy
--RE and its Oxide
Corrosion resistant special metal stock, All in AlloyO.
Details are available at



AlloyO Special Metal: N10276 Alloy C276 forged round bars have been cutting in fixed sizes

AlloyO Special Metal: Monel400 alloy 0.6mm thin sheets have been delivered

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