AlloyO Special Metal: S31254 254SMO 0.8mm coil Inventory 4.9 tons

AlloyO Special Metal: S31254 254SMO 0.8mm coil Inventory 4.9 tons

A batch of S31254 254SMO materials arrived at the warehouse.
Inventory specification: 0.8x1219xCoil in single.
Owe to Annealed condition, It can be used for subsequent processing and the large deformation has no problem for S31254 254SMO.
Because it contains a certain N% element, the strength is larger than ordinary stainless steel, but it is still better processed than materials such as duplex steel.
The 6Mo% makes S31254 254SMO has the title of “6Moly super stainless steel” and has good pitting resistance. The PREN value is about 43.

What AlloyO can do?
We can Supply Special corrosion resistant alloy imported and original from Germany, US and Japan in stock as below:
--Super Austenitic Stainless Steel
--Duplex Stainless Steel
--Nickel-Based Corrosion Resistant Alloy
--Titanium and Alloy
--RE and its Oxide

Corrosion resistant special metal stock, All in AlloyO.
Details are available at



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